Mushroom Analyzer - Identify / find out what mushroom it is


Just released a new iOS app. Mushroom Analyzer helps you determine / identify what mushrooms you encounter in the wild. It's not the only app of its kind, but competition is good, right? The project was/is an opportunity for me to use machine learning for something concrete and useful. A significant amount of time has gone into categorizing hundreds of species. That part was no fun, to be honest. But then seeing my old Intel iMac crunching the ML model was quite satisfying. My great great great great grandpa' always said fan noise is the best noise.

You can take a picture with your camera, or use an image from your photo library. The app will then give you suggestions / matches based on your photo. If you're interested to try it out — the app is now available on the App Store. I'll be adding more species as I go.
